In an eye-opening revelation from RacquetX, the world’s inaugural all-racket sports festival set to make its grand debut in Miami this week, comes a groundbreaking study that shines a light on the evolving landscape of racquet sports enthusiasts.
Dubbed the “Cross-Court Consumer,” this new breed of players is not just sticking to one racquet sport; they’re branching out, exploring the diverse world of pickleball, padel, tennis, and badminton, and in doing so, are fostering a vibrant intergenerational ecosystem.
The study, conducted in partnership with LaneTerralever (LT), a marketing and customer experience agency with a keen focus on the leisure and entertainment sector, marks the first of its kind to delve into the habits and preferences of players across all racquet sports. The findings? A staggering 43% of respondents reported engaging in more than one racquet sport over the past year or are looking to diversify their play in the near future.

One of the most striking insights from the RacqueTrends Report, aptly titled “Who’s on the Court?”, is the revelation that most players wear casual gym attire on the courts. This discovery uncovers a significant opportunity for brands to introduce sport-specific apparel and accessories, mirroring the tennis fashion revolution of the 1980s with its iconic bandanas, visors, and beyond.
Furthermore, the study highlights a preference for public courts among players, pointing to a burgeoning growth opportunity for clubs, including those dedicated to the rapidly expanding sports of pickleball and padel and traditional country clubs. The potential for private and public sector collaboration to enhance access to these facilities for all market segments is immense.
The comprehensive findings of the report will be unveiled at the RacquetX festival by LT, offering attendees a glimpse into the future of racquet sports and a roadmap for engaging the cross-court consumer. For those eager to learn more, the full agenda awaits at the RacquetX website.
RacquetX, the brainchild of events strategist Robyn Duda and entrepreneur/investor Marco Giberti, promises an unparalleled all-racket-sports experience. With over 75 speakers, an expansive expo featuring the latest products, services, and technologies, and nine courts at the Miami Convention Center for tournaments, demonstrations, and fan activities, the festival is a must-attend for enthusiasts and industry insiders alike.
LaneTerralever, with its impressive portfolio of work for brands like Red Bull Media House and Toyota, brings a wealth of expertise in catering to the leisure and entertainment consumer. Together with RacquetX, they’re setting the stage for a new era in racquet sports, where the cross-court consumer reigns supreme.