In the kaleidoscopic world of Padel, 2024 is poised to be a year of unprecedented growth in the U.S. The sport has garnered attention from an array of celebrity investors, from the New York Yankees to Swedish NHL players and even music icon Daddy Yankee. With the Professional Padel League (PPL) launch earlier this year, global stars like Juan Martín Díaz have brought their prowess to American shores, marking a significant milestone for the sport’s expansion.
Rooted in Mexican origins from the 1960s, Padel has entrenched itself in Europe, boasting over 25 million players across 90 countries. Spain, with its 6 million active players and 20,000 courts, is a testament to the sport’s popularity. The accessibility and social allure of Padel, coupled with its doubles format, have fueled its meteoric rise.
Pioneer Santiago Gomez, CEO and founder of Padel Haus, ignited the Padel wave in the U.S. with the opening of clubs in New York. The flourishing interest led to the inception of North America’s first professional Padel league, PPL, featuring teams owned by global celebrities and athletes. Co-founded by Marcos del Pilar and Keith Stein, PPL has expanded rapidly, with new franchises, including Daddy Yankee’s Florida Goats, joining the league.
“There are 300 Padel courts in the U.S. now, including public and private ones,” del Pilar said. “The number of Padel courts is to double in 2024.”
The league’s ambitions extend beyond team valuations, anticipating explosive growth akin to the pickleball phenomenon. PPL foresees a doubling of Padel courts in the U.S. in 2024, with discussions underway to introduce more teams. Noteworthy investments, such as Yankee Global Enterprises acquiring equity in A1 Padel, underscore the sport’s burgeoning appeal.
The American Padel landscape is gearing up for an exhilarating 2024 season, with the likes of Pablo Lima, Juan Martín Díaz, Fede Chingotto, Miguel Lamperti, and the Sánchez Alayeto twins joining the league. As PPL expands its footprint to cities like Miami, New York, Orlando, Las Vegas, San Diego, and Los Angeles, the stage is set for Padel to captivate the hearts of diverse audiences across the nation.
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