In a groundbreaking move set to reshape the future of Padel in the USA, the United States Padel Association (USPA) has forged a strategic alliance with Padelmba, a global leader in Padel certification and training.
This partnership signifies a pivotal moment for the sport, promising an unparalleled standard of professional-level Padel Certification and training programs across the nation.
Martin Sweeny, President of the USPA, enthusiastically states, “Our players and coaches deserve nothing but the best, and our collaboration with Padelmba ensures just that. By joining forces, we are revolutionizing Padel education in the USA.”
“We are thrilled to work hand-in-hand with the USPA. Together, we are on a mission to democratize Padel education in the USA.”
Central to this collaboration is the USPA’s official endorsement of Padelmba’s Certification and Training courses, setting a new benchmark for coaching excellence in the country. The shared vision between the USPA and Padelmba aims to establish a gold standard for Padel Certification, Training, and Education, fostering a community of highly skilled coaches and players.
Alejandro Martinez of Padelmba expresses his excitement about the partnership: “We are thrilled to work hand-in-hand with the USPA. Together, we are on a mission to democratize Padel education in the USA, empowering a new generation of certified coaches and players who will lead the sport’s evolution.”
As this dynamic partnership takes flight, Padel enthusiasts can anticipate a wave of transformative educational opportunities, ensuring that players and coaches alike are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the vibrant world of Padel. Get ready to witness a new era of Padel expertise, driven by passion, expertise, and a shared commitment to the sport’s growth. Game on!